April Meeting Notes


Start 7:07

Treasurer’s Report:


Lowell Historic Board:

Steve Stowell, Jim Wilde, Dick Lockheart

Steve, Jim, and Dick discussed the history and the mission of the Lowell Historic Board.

Quarterly Newsletter, Sign up here: http://www.lowellma.gov/dpd/devservices/historic/Pages/default.aspx

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LowellHistoricBoard

Doors Open Lowell: May 14-16

Susan: Does the LHB aim to preserve a particular time?

Steve: The 19th century. We aim to be sensitive to this time period.

Corey: The Father John’s Building sign looks like it was blasted off.

Steve: Yes, there was a lot of problem with seepage there; there was nothing they could do. We had them stop work and verify. Similarly, the TDBank fence is temporary.

Carolyn: What is the situation with the lighting?

Councilor Belanger: We need to improve the bulbs, and reflection; in progress.

Councilor Samaras: It needs to be fixed. We want businesses to leave some lights on at night as well in their stores and put lights on their signs, façades, etc.

Lowell Police Dept:

Capt. Richardson, Sgt. Langaways

Captain Richardson discussed the incident a few weeks ago where a gun was pulled in Kearney Sq. The suspect was arrested and the gun was recovered in the Roy Garage.

There is a new foot patrol route from the Library down Merrimack St. There is an officer dedicated to the homelessness problem downtown.

<related Q&A>

Joy Mosenfelder, Merrimack Valley Time Exchange

Website: http://www.cbacre.org/programs-events/mvte

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MerrimackValleyTimeExchange

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mv_time

230 member skill exchange program.

Skill Share – May 16, 26 Workshops: https://millcityskillshare.wordpress.com/

June Party

June 13th? In Lieu of meeting. Still in planning.

Lowell Votes

Increase voter turnout in the city. Turnout in local elections is about 11%, 40% in national elections. Meeting, May 4, Pollard @ 6:30

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LowellVotes

Coffee With a Cop

Join the Lowell Police Department, UMass Lowell Police and National Parks Police for Coffee with a Cop at Cafe UTEC on May 4th from 5:30 – 7PM. Thank you to Cafe UTEC for supplying the refreshments!


Adjourn, 8:39

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