LDNA Meeting, Sept 28, 2015


Jack Moynihan

Susan Purdy

Stephen Greene

Carolyn Alphen

Corey Sciuto



Approve minutes: Passes


Account balance: $277.29


Capt. Kelly Richardson discussed last month’s crime report. Available as usual at http://www.crimemapping.com/Map.aspx?aid=757087ee-5d73-4726-9505-4e1ac44d2f0b


Supt. Bill Taylor – adding cameras to Kerouac Park. Adapting a system like that in Worcester that allows LPD to network together any camera on the internet that wants to be part of the system, into a central location. Being rolled out to local businesses.


Kathleen Marcin recommends that the LPD talk to the condo associations downtown about installing cameras.


Supt. Taylor on panhandling – numerous interviews have shown that the panhandlers downtown are addicts. Panhandling laws are up to the Supreme Court.


Craig Himmelberger – Glad Lowell is much safer than it has been, but opiate issues are way up. Has anyone talked to Gloucester?


Supt. Taylor – Not opposed to the program and glad the conversation has been started, but nobody has actually turned drugs in in Gloucester. Heroin is a lot more addictive and a lot cheaper than it used to be and often cut with Fentanyl. Cruisers now have Narcan in them. Used eight times in the first 24 hours.


Sam Litvin – Can we look into some sort of marking system for locations, like the canal walks and alleys, that don’t have addresses? It’s hard to call in places.


Supt. Taylor – We’ll look into it more.


Susan Purdy asks if we’d reconsider the regional dispatch center


Supt Taylor thinks the last proposal was a bad deal for Lowell for numerous reasons.

Chris Hayes and Aurora Erikson, Lowell Votes.


Door to door canvassing to increase the vote.  Handed out material about the current election season and is looking for volunteers.


Meeting ends.


After agenda conversation about economic development being a good topic for October, and how to reach out to more people.


Yovani Baez-Rose at Neighborhood Planning will be on the agenda in October.


Joe Laroque was here to reach out to us for Representative Mom.


Susan motions to adjourn, Jack seconds.

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