LDNA 06/27/16, 7:06 PM
Carolyn Alphen, Jack Moynihan, Corey Sciuto
Approval of Minutes:
Carolyn moves; Corey seconds
Treasurer’s Report:
City Mgr. Kevin Murphy:
Discussed increased focus on trash during outdoor dining season.
Discussion on reverting many intersections to exclusive cycles, or delayed green after walk.
Discussion around increased parking rates. There has been no motion by the City Council; the Parking Dept misspoke. City is potentially working on an app to find out what parking lots have spaces.
Talk about increasing lighting downtown, including more canalside lighting.
Lt. Crawford, LPD:
Discussion about noise downtown, lack of police patrols by some of the alleys.
Richard Howe, Jr. Lowell Walks
Tours are 10 AM-11:30 AM on Saturday mornings: http://www.richardhowe.com/events/
Carolyn moves; Corey seconds
REMINDER: No July Meeting.
8:18 PM