NOTE: There is a date change this month!
LDNA Agenda – October 17, 2016
1. Opening greeting
2. Approval of minutes
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Police Report
5. Introduction of Economic Development Director Allison Lamey for brief remarks and questions and answers.
6. Discussion of plans for Bridge Street Bridge lighting
7. General Information
8. Adjourn
September Minutes
September 26, 2016, 7 PM
Jack Moynihan – President
Corey Sciuto – Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:04
Motion to approve Minutes – Jack
Seconded – Corey
Sgt. Nobrega – LPD
Crime report had a few break-ins this month; all businesses. Violent crimes this month were either alcohol-related or domestics.
Bill Garr and Barbera Dunsford of Lowell House, Craig Thomas of CBA
Slideshow and video presentation about new building on Upper Merrimack St for long-term recovery patients.
Councilor Samaras
Interested in feedback in lighting regulations downtown. Looking to make a motion to better light the canal walkways.
October Meeting is on the 3rd and not the 4th Monday next week. LTC will be used for Early Voting.
Jack – Motion to Adjourn
Corey seconds.
Close 8:07