Join an City of Lowell Advisory Board or Commission!

Are you interested in meeting other residents with the same interests as you?  Do you want a say in what happens in YOUR community?  Are you interested in learning more about the City of Lowell?  Do you want to help shape the future of the City?

Join an City of Lowell Advisory Board or Commission!

The City of Lowell has over twenty Boards, Commissions, and other Advisory Bodies that inform the public and its officials about important and complex issues. These Advisory Bodies also provide citizens the opportunity to provide input on the policies that shape their government and their City. Over 100 dedicated citizens, appointed by the City Manager (and occasionally requiring City Council approval), serve on Advisory Bodies, making positive changes within their own communities.

How can you get involved?

Advisory Board positions are posted online, as they become available, at If there are no available positions, the City would still LOVE for you to apply so that we can consider you for future appointments.

Residents are encouraged to send a résumé, letter of interest, and other pertinent information via email to:
Donna McIntosh @ Please list the title of the board in the email subject line.

Via fax to: (978)-970-4007
Via mail to: City Hall Human Relations Office 375 Merrimack Street, Room 19 Lowell, MA 01852

For a full list of Advisory Boards, Commissions, and other Advisory Bodies, please visit We hope to hear from you soon!

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