LDNA 05/22/17
Jack Moynihan
Stephen Greene
Corey Sciuto
Meeting Start 7:01
Jack makes motion to accept May’s minutes
Corey seconds, approved
Treasurer’s report
Stephen says we have $570.29
Police Report
Sgt. Prescott
Crime reports are quite low right now
CrimeMapping.com stopped working in March
Sean Thibodeau, Pollard Memorial Library
Museum passes and events available at http://www.pollardml.org/
Library also offers book clubs
eBooks – http://www.pollardml.org/research/electronic-resources
Blog and newsletter: http://blog.pollardml.org/
Open Floor
Kathleen Marcin suggests we hold a social event
Suggest someone from DPD speaks soon
Kathleen asks Nick Navin (Parking Director) when we should expect to see the Hamilton Canal surface parking lots. Nick says this summer.
Stephen Greene asks if the Roy Garage has more spaces with tighter spots now. Nick says no; if anything, it’s gone from 1,030 -> 997 due to the removal of some compact spaces.
Parking utilization:
Garage | Market Rate* Pass Cards | Downtown Resident Pass Cards | Total Pass cards |
Joe Downes, John St, 1,100 spaces | 520 | 575 | 1,095 |
Leo Roy, Market St, 1,000 spaces | 515 | 575 | 1,090 |
Ayotte, Post Office Sq., 1,250 spaces | 1,250 | 115 | 1,365 |
Lower Locks, Warren St, 900 spaces | 370 | 55 | 425 |
Early Garage, Middlesex St, 950 spaces | 570 | 330 | 900 |
Corey asked if we could get a recycle bin in the garage. Nick said he’s working on it.
8:10 PM