LDNA 08/28/17
Jack Moynihan (Arrived at ~7:15)
Carolyn Alphen
Stephen Greene
Sam Litvin
Meeting called to order at: 7:04
Opening greeting
Approval of minutes
Approval of minutes was put off until next month.
Treasurer’s Report
$629.36 balanace. Everyone is invited to make a voluntary $10 membership contribution.
Police Report
Report by Capt. Crowley (TCrowley@lowellma.gov)
Capt. Crowley is the new Sector A (includes downtown area) commander
4 aggravated assaults were domestic related. (1 was a follow-up on an old case)
4 burglaries (1 was a trespass event)
Disorderlies mostly related to bar closings.
Robberies likely involved drug deals. No injuries.
80-90% of car breaks involves unlocked vehicles with valuables in plain sight.
- Extra people on shift for college move-in period.
- For people with camera systems in their building, you can email to the LPD.
- Question about activity in front of TD Bank: Bank is hiring a detail officer and police have also focused walking beat officers on that issue.
- Question about aggressive dogs: Animal control officer can respond .
- Question on loud motorcycles: Traffic cars have dB meters and can investigate.
- Question on suspicious activity in Roy garage: In case of doubt – call LPD at (978) 937-3200.
Presentation by Andy Jacobson of COOL on an overview of the upcoming “Creaticity” and “Kinetic Sculpture” events.
Most of market St. closed on Sat & Sun 9/16 – 9/17
Meters bagged on Thurs night. Ticketing begins Friday at 4pm
Access to garage and Canal place via Palmer Street. Market Street closed all the way down to Cental St.
Question: How are you communicating the road closures? Answer: Will reach out to property managers.
Porta potties will be provided.
Tents with Artists and Maker’s Fair
Performance Stage, food trucks, street performers.
Writers corner in gallery Z.
9/23 7:00am – 6:00pm market closed between Shattuck and palmer. Full access to garage from Central except for a brief period around 11:00 when garage access may be blocked for 15-20 minutes.
MANY other events in September — See LowellMA.gov events calendar website.
Discussion about avoiding trash route pickups on Fri & Sat. Will follow up with city.
Questions on status of old power plant renovation at Canal Place
Questions on status of small garden and walkway in front of Roy garage with dead trees.
Request update on Roy parking renovation and parking rates. Parking rates will be increasing.
Suggstion: Public bathrooms in the downtown area
Pop-up movie series: Enterprise Parking Lot 9/7 at 7:30 with free popcorn
Motion by Stephen (2nd by Jack) to sponsor the movie event with a $50 contribution.
Canalwater cleaners and downtown Lowell cleanup was very successful.
Meeting Adjourns at: 8:12