Lowell Police Courses

You asked – they listened. 
Lowell Police Department will hold a Women’s Self-Defense Course at Lowell High School Cafe 6:30 – 8:30 PM on the following dates:
Tuesday, February 26th
Tuesday, March 5th
Registration is limited to 20 participants.
Participants must be 18 and older. Instructors will be Sgt. Tom Fleming and Officer Marisol Nobrega. Participants are asked to wear athletic clothing. To register, please contact Sharon Callery at 978-674-1969 or scallery@lowellma.gov

The LPD will be conducting a Citizen’s Police Academy starting Wednesday, March 13, 2013. The Academy will be held for 8 weeks, every Wednesday night from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Lowell Police Training Institute located at 115 Middlesex Street. Call Sharon Callery at 978-674-1969 for more information or check out www.lowellpolice.com/blog for the application.

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