Agenda for License Commission on February 14, 2013, 06:30 PM
Downtown related items;
5. (this was Mr. Jalepeno) application by Mariachi Foods, Inc., d/b/a El Potro Mexican Grill, Joseph M. Carreiro Jr., a corporate Director, for an all alcoholic beverages Restaurant license for premises at 124 Merrimack Street, unnumbered door south side of building; first floor-one room for restaurant, kitchen; a storage area in basement.
• It is requested that Joseph M. Carreiro Jr. be approved as manager of record for Mariachi Foods, Inc.
• Mariachi Foods, Inc. filed applications for the following licenses for premises at 124 Merrimack Street: common victualler; entertainment in a licensed restaurant for live music, disc jockey, juke box.
• Hearing on the matter of Vannak Kann, dba Khmer Sports Club, all alcoholic beverages Restaurant licensee for premises at 74 Middlesex St. regarding compliance with law for renewal of liquor license for 2013, and for entertainment license in a restaurant for live music, disc jockey, juke box.
• Hearing on the revocation of the all alcoholic beverages Club license for Lowell Sports Club, Inc., 490 Central St. 2013 Renewal application filed in November 2012 but Lowell Sports Club has not complied with Massachusetts laws that require certificate of inspection to be issued, and certificate of liquor liability insurance to be issued, in order that the annual liquor license be issued.
11. Hearing on the revocation of the all alcoholic beverages Restaurant license for WKA Investments LLC, 201 Cabot St. 2013 Renewal application filed in November 2012 but WKA Investments has not complied with Massachusetts laws that require certificate of inspection to be issued, and certificate of liquor liability insurance to be issued, in order that the annual liquor license be issued.
12. Hearing on the revocation of the all alcoholic beverages Restaurant license for Brazilian Tropic, Inc., 26 Andover St. 2013 Renewal application filed in November 2012 but Brazilian Tropic has not complied with Massachusetts laws that require certificate of inspection to be issued, and certificate of liquor liability insurance to be issued, in order that the annual liquor license be issued.
13. Review proposal of a revision of the rules and regulations of the Lowell License Commission beginning with the July 19, 2012 draft as proposed by the License Commission on January 31, 2013; License Commission will review amendment(s) thereto.
14. From Commissioner Cliff Krieger: Request the City Manager request DPD provide the License Commission, before the subsequent meeting, a memo giving us a QUALITATIVE (vice quantitative) review of business in both the down town area and across the rest of the city with regard to establishments that serve alcohol and the other businesses and activities that could be directly or indirectly influenced by businesses we license.
15. From Commissioner Cliff Krieger: Propose that the License Commission, once it approves revised rules, schedule a hearing at a regular meeting, eight months hence, to allow Residents and City Officials to provide input on the success, effectiveness and value of the revised rules.
16. City Council motion per Councilor Mercier on January 29, 2013: City Manager request License Commission revisit and place on their agenda for discussion reducing annual license fees for alcoholic beverages for Veteran Clubs/Members/Guests to equal the amount of restaurant license fees.
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