7 PM, Zoom Virtual (Online) Meeting
A recording of the meeting can be viewed online at: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/EKDAik4sQJ1euZIGwkcSWoxZXIahB5c_yLiAgcVTn4EoiSGAhmiVH5CtQOqrndCg.qcM8m6xiJcoKXTWw Passcode: ZA317#z!
Carolyn Alphen
Jack Moynihan
Sam Litvin
Stephen Greene
Meeting called to order at: 7:01.
Opening greeting
Approval of minutes
Feb 2021 Approved.
Treasurer’s Report
$983.09 balance in account.
Police Report
Capt Jack Cullen, sector commander for downtown, discussed downtown stats and issues with residents. There were 3 aggravated assaults in the last month; all involved parties known to one another and all resulted in arrests.
Guest Speakers: Lainnie Edmond from the Mayor’s Opiate Task Force, and Jon Kelly from Trinity Ambulance
Detailed presentations on Lowell’s Opiate Task Force statistics and activities from 2011 to 2020 were made and the opiate situation in the city was discussed with a focus on the downtown area.
General Information
- Discussion on slow pace of bridge and road construction projects and other transportation issues.
Meeting Adjourns at 8:10.