Board members present: Carolyn Alphen, Jack Moynihan, Stephen Greene
- Approval of minutes
August minutes had not been posted, will do in October. - Treasurer’s Report
$1,233.29 with no pending deposits - Police Report
Captain Cullen provided a brief police report for the Downtown for September to date (9/27).
No handout was available. During this time, there were 5 assaults (primarily fights), 1 burglary,
1 car break (car unlocked), 2 disorderlies, 2 shopliftings, 6 vandalisms (including 2 broken
windows and car damage).
During Q&A, electric bikes as well as regular bikes should not be used on the side walk.
Concerns expressed about kids riding bikes dangerously in traffic. The police do follow up
when they can track the to their homes. Let police know if you know who the kids are. - They owner of Sahel on Central Street talked about their new restaurant. Emile Kamadeu
whose family had a restaurant in Africa and Peter Tamajong said that they were attracted to
Lowell because of its ethnic diversity. They had a soft opening earlier and recent ribbon cutting.
They offer numerous African and Caribbean dishes. The restaurant took 4 year to open as there
was much work to be done to get the site ready. Add the delays caused by the pandemic. The
City has been supportive. Sahel is a work in progress and its liquor license is pending. They
have arranged parking and are working on more. They welcome folks to come and taste the
cuisine. - Adopt a street program
Jack Moynihan discussed an Adopt a Street Program that he and Vanna Howard have initialed.
It is a weekly trash sweep of a section of down town street that someone has “adopted”. Trash
picked and buckets are kept at the Roy Garage. They are currently doing the trash sweep on
If you are interested in adopting a section of street, contact Jack or Vanna , - General Business
Carolyn and Jack opened the “floor” for general discussion. Carolyn reminded folks to support
local business. She noted that a new Tea place had opened on Merrimack St. ?? is this correct??
A question was asked about 2 large murals that are now being painted, one on the Athenian
Corner wall and a second on the Gates Block overlooking the garden. More information will be
forthcoming, including development plans for the Athenean which have been delayed by the
pandemic. The murals were approved and had funding.
Shauna Forcier said she get more information on other questions posed and more information
on Downtown Development Master plan, Among the questions, why can’t the Blue Bridge in
the Hamilton Canal District be used by pedestrians. It currently is a hard hat area. What is
going on with the Boott Mill building at 200 Market St (between Canal Place 1 and Canal Place
3). Why was a security fencing place around the power house/stack across the driveway from
Boott Mill at 200 Market st? Many lock boxes are now inaccessible. Why are apartments
being built in Lowell and not Condos? What can be done about poor building management at
Appleton Mills? What is going on to encourage Technology and Innovation in the City?
Answers to many of these questions will be available at a future meetings. Shauna provided
this link to the 2021 Lowell Plan:
Captain Cullen said that if there is criminal activity going on at Appleton Mills, notify the
police. - Adjourn 7:54
Prepared by Stephen Greene
Added note.
The Boston Globe printed 2 large articles on “Lowell Stages a Comeback”, 2021-09-30