Jack Moynihan and Carolyn presiding over the Zoom meeting. Stephen Greene as treasurer and interim secretary. Councilor Drinkwater and Councilor Elect Jenness, Captain Jack Cullen, Christine McCall and Shauna Forcier were online.
- Previous meeting minutes have not been posted. Draft minutes will be posted on the LDNA web site for approved after a new secretary is elected in January.
- Treasurer’s Report $1,233.29. No deposits are pending.
- Police Report Captain Jack Cullen reported on crime in the downtown for the previous month. There was no handout.
There were 2 aggravated assaults with charges and arrests
1 burglary with a suspect
6 car breaks with 5 of them in unlocked cars. 1 involved a broken car window
2 domestic violence with arrests
4 vandalisms
Generally the down town has been relatively quiet and with relatively low criminal activity.
A resident complimented the Police for their quiet response late at night, especially when respond in cruisers.
Capt. Cullen reported that the police proactively approach bar closings which tends to avoid problems on the street.
When asked if there had been an uptick in criminal activity, the answer was no and that problems are about half of 5 years ago.
There are some city cameras and private building camera footage is requested and used when available for nvestigations which include broken windows.
Segways are now popular with the patrols and are used.
- Guest Speaker – Christine McCall, Assistant City Manager &DPD Director, discussed ongoing roadway construction and development issues.
Paving is in process for the Lord Overpass area as the project moves into the final stages Project is due to be complete in the Fall of 22 but generally done by the Spring.
From Shauna Forcie’s email message:
The Lord Overpass Redesign project is entering Phase 4 of construction this week which will significantly improve traffic flow through the area and allow for more turning options. Middlesex Street outbound will re-open during this phase.
Paving and prep work to transition to this phase will take place on Tuesday, November 23, which will require intermittent lane closures and detours. Please avoid traveling through this area on Tuesday if possible.
The Market St bridge (at Dutton) is not a Tiger project. It has been inspected and the issue is the sidewalks. The city is working with MA DoT. Concern was expressed for kids circumventing the sidewalk barriers.
Concern was expressed about pedestrians crossing Dutton at Fletcher as well as Jackson where there is no cross walk and on the edge of the Lord Overpass construction and heavy traffic. It is an ongoing problem.
For the Central St Bridge, the beam was order in August, expecting a May 2022 delivery, Cost is up by 200% Should be finished in the Fall of 2022. A comment on the pedestrian crossing at Warren Street which can be dangerous for pedestrians if traffic turn left onto Central.
A comment on the fact that the traffic barrels on Market Street (at Central) are pushed out into the open lane and forcing traffic to the left side of the open lane. This in turn reduces the usable lane width for traffic turning on to Market Street from Central St.
For the Hamilton Canal Project. The City now owns parcels 15 and 16. The Lupoli garage should start soon. The Blue Bridge still has punch list work to do so it is not open to foot vehicle traffic. The original plan for a theater is not likely and development will be along the life sciences line with synergy with UMass Lowell
On the Homelessness and Affordable Housing – Christine is temporarily in charge. She commented that state and federal leadership is needed. Most towns don’t meet the 10% affordability criteria because of their zoning laws.
The Shelter will go into the 24/7 mode with Winter Protocol.
Councilor Drinkwater has a City Council motion for the City to look into temporary cottage house for homeless people through a private company using state funds.
[ For an update on city related construction projects See City Council December 7, 2021 Packet download, pages 18 -23. Go to the CC Packet download https://www.lowellma.gov/agendacenter]
- General Information
Old business – the Hamilton Canal Garage Lighting, a partial update. Terry Ryan was not available for this meeting. Some of the sensors for dimming the lights are the wrong ones and replacements haven been ordered but are delayed in delivery. We will get an update for our January meeting.
Remember to shop locally:
The City of Lowell’s Economic Development Office and the Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce are working together to encourage shoppers to support our local businesses this holiday season.
Make a purchase at any Lowell-based business and share a picture of your purchase using the hashtag #Shop978 on Facebook and Instagram.
Winners will receive a gift card to any Lowell-based business of their choice (must offer gift cards) and I Love Lowell sweatshirts.
All winners will be announced on Monday, December 27th, 2021 on the City of Lowell’s Economic Development and Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce’s Facebook pages.
There is a new way to report rodent problems to the City. The email address is, rodents@lowellma.gov , Residents can submit their reports of rat or rodent sightings to that email, with specific addresses and preferably with photographic documentation.
The Lowell Litter Krewe has picked up 100,000 pounds of trash through its City wide cleanups this year.
Little Delights has moved to a new location on Merrimack St.
Lala Books has schedules activities and used books. http://lalabookstore.com/
The Adopt a Street Trash pick up continues to be active downtown.
After problems with Waste Management emptying the downtown/city trash barrels, the City collection has worked well.
Captain Cullen is also a local writer. From Carolyn Alphen to Everyone 08:03 PM
Councilor Elect Jenness thanked everyone for their support, Wayne Jenness, District4Lowell@gmail.com, 978-226-3064 if you wish to reach Wayne.
No Meeting in December.
Next Meeting is January 25th.7 PM Most likely a Zoom meeting
- Adjourn
8:05 PM
Draft minutes by Stephen Greene