Lowell Downtown Neighborhood Association
January 24, 2022 , 7PM via zoom
Minutes of the Meeting
Jack Moynihan called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Along with local residents, Councilors
John Drinkwater and Wayne Jenness, Mayor Sokhary Chau; Sgt. Bill Florence, LPD; and Shauna
Forcier from City Hall were in attendance.
On a motion by Steve Greene and seconded by Bob Casey, the minutes of meetings from
August, September, October and November 2021 were unanimously approved.
Treasurer Greene reported that our bank balance remained steady with $1233.29; he plans to
solicit voluntary dues to augment the account.
Election of 2022 officers: On a motion by Sally Coulter, seconded by Jim Pope, the members
unanimously elected the officers: Jack Moynihan and Carolyn Alpher, co-chairs; Stephen
Greene, treasurer; and Bob Casey, secretary.
Councilor Jenness reported on motions he has filed regarding speeding and pedestrian safety
concerns on the newly opened Hamilton Canal District bridge along with other concerns about
improving snow removal in the area.
Sgt. Bill Florence, LPD, gave the monthly report for the downtown neighborhood which
included an assault, 2 arrests and a couple of criminal complaints most of which involved
fractious behavior during the time of the LHS dismissal. Sgt. Flores indicated that the School
Resource Officers (SRO) were on hand to assist. A few questions arose regarding idling cars,
bicycles operating on sidewalks, and a vehicular accident earlier in the day with a car crashing
into a building in Kearney Square.
Councilor Drinkwater spoke about his motions regarding workforce representation at the LHS
construction project. While the project has reached guidelines for hiring people of color (POC),
he’s requesting a report and a plan to insure increasing the number of women to meet targeted
A discussion about ongoing, unresolved lighting issues at the new HCID garage came up. With
several neighbors concerned about intrusive lighting and wasted energy, the city continues to
try to resolve the matter.
Lowell’s newest mayor, Councilor Sokhary Chau, spoke about his goals, which include
addressing economic development in the downtown district, forging stronger relationships with
business owners; improving basic services like trash pick up; and addressing the homelessness
issue in Lowell. While he has been busy assembling an office staff, he encouraged all to contact
his office and feel welcome to meet with him anytime. He thanked LDNA for the invitation to
Mayor Chau, in answer to a question about the glitch with recently issued late tax bills assured
those in attendance that residents would not be penalized and that the city is working to clear
up any confusion on the matter.
With the main agenda completed, several informational items were brought forward, including
icy sidewalks, and a sign on the ground by 78 Prescott Street close to the scene of a recent
Carolyn Alphen mentioned that a new restaurant featuring Korean chicken has opened on
Merrimack St at the site of the old Lowell Burger. Other upbeat items included reports of a
strong Monday night turnout for a production of “Rent” at the Memorial Auditorium and a brisk
business at the local restaurants. Carolyn also mentioned that WinterFest is back on February
18-19 at Lowell Memorial Auditorium after a COVID cancellation in 2021.
A question arose about condo associations not having access to municipal trash and recycling
service. A member suggested the matter should be directed to our State Reps or Senator for
With no further business on a unanimous vote, Bob Casey moved and Sally Coulter seconded to
adjourn the meeting at 8:03 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Casey,