Minutes of the Meeting
Jack Moynihan called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. Special guests in attendance were
Ranger JoAnn Marcos from National Park Service and Michelle Rivera from the Citizens Advisory
On a motion by Greg Lamarre-Anderson and seconded by Chris Offerman, the minutes of the
February 28 meeting were unanimously approved.
In Treasurer Greene’s absence, Carolyn reported that our bank balance remained steady with
Captain Cullen from Lowell Police Department reported a small spike of unsavory activity which
he attributed to the warmer weather. There were 3 assaults 2 of which involved LHS students
and another incident with a water bottle at 200 Central Street Additionally there were 4
burglaries, 2 disorderly incidents arrests and 5 vandalism cases. Captain Cullen reminded all to
call LPD for either assistance or to report a concern at 978-937-3200.
Ranger Marcos from the NPS made an informative and uplifting presentation regarding
upcoming NPS activities. The overall theme is that we are getting back to normal, and Lowell
will be alive in 2022. Among the coming highlights are the ongoing Kerouac Exhibit at the Boot
Mill Museum, and an April 6 program commemorating the 1821 arrival of the Irish Immigrants
entitled “Digging Canals” sponsored by the Middlesex Canal Association.
JoAnn announced that March 28 was the first day for school group visits in two years, and that
a full slate of summer programs for youth groups will resume along with the popular Summer
Music Series. Further the Trolley service will resume in June along with canal tours, River Boat
Thursdays and the Lowell Walks program.
Most encouraging is news that the iconic Lowell Folk Festival will return on July 29-31 with four
stages in DTL.
Michelle Rivera representing the newly formed Citizens Advisory Council spoke about the
mission and scope of her group. Incorporated in 2021, CAC meets regularly with LPD, pastors
and youth groups with a focus on diversity, transparency and mutual cooperation with the LPD.
Michelle is visiting with neighborhood groups throughout the city to solicit community input
and ideas for strengthening connections with city government and law enforcement.
District Councilor Wayne Jenness spoke next regarding with an update on the City Manager
selection including news that the Council would be interviewing a single candidate for the
position. Greg Lamarre-Anderson expressed a concern that the Council’s narrow search
reflected a lack of openness and reinforced the notion that Lowell is still an insulated city that is
not realizing its potential.
Councilor Jenness also updated the group on the high school building project. With the
projected +30 million in overruns due primarily to pandemic induced price increases, he stated
the city would be seeking new bond authorizations while exploring additional state and federal
Finally, the LDNA committed to making a financial donation to assist with upgrades to Victorian
Park on Shattuck Street. More to follow on that.
With no other business, the motion to adjourn by Sally Coulter and seconded by Bob Casey was
unanimously voted at 8:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Casey, Secretary