LDNA Minutes – August 22, 2022

Meeting was called to order at 7:02 by Jack Moynihan. The meeting was then turned over to Carolyn
Alphen who did introductions: Co Chairs Carolyn and Jack, Treasure and Secretary pro tem Stephen
Greene. Councilor Wayne Jenness was present. Guest speakers are named below.
1 .Approval of minutes May and June Minutes were moved (Jack and Sally seconded) and approved.
2.Treasurer’s Report There is $1,393.29 in the association’s account. This reflected the $200 pending
disbursement mention in June for Victorian Garden plantings.
3.Police Report Captain Cullen provided the Police Report. There were 3 aggravated assaults with
charges, 2 burglaries with charges for 1, 7 car breaks (6 cars unlocked, 7
th had visible valuables), 6
vandalisms with some charges including a tagging which was charged, 2 shopliftings, 2 disorderlies (1
drunkenness and 1 screamer who was arrested. Captain Cullen reminded folks to lock their cars and not
leave valuables visible.
There have been some homeless issues downtown with new faces who have said they are from Boston.
Lowell was a recommended destination. Also, some rehab centers are dropping released patients off in
Lowell. Lowell is considered to provided good services.
The night bar scene has been generally quiet. Knock on wood!
Police recruitment has been slow. There is competition for qualified candidates. The City is using a
cadet program to vet and train additional potential officers. Auxiliary police officers are volunteers and
generally are used for large event traffic control and not regular police duties,
There have been fewer walking beats this summer, but there has been an additional patrol car. More
walking beats will return as staffing is filled in.
While the police do patrol the downtown garages, they are not responsible for security. It was
commented that both security and cleanliness (bad impression for people visiting the City) have been a
problem in the Roy and Hamilton Garages. No one commented on the John St Garage.
Resident comment that large trucks have been running red lights in the Lord Overpass construction area
near the Gallagher Terminal posing a serious pedestrian hazard.
Captain Cullen commented that speed radars which collect speeding information are in use, but are not
used for enforcement.
4.Guest Speaker – Howard Amidon, from the Greater Lowell Community Foundation, discussed this
year’s Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race. At the 200 block of Market St, September 17th 11:30 AM start. This
section of Market street will be closed at 6 AM and reopen at 6 PM. More information is available at
LowellKinetic.com. Howard mentioned that they are anxious to have tech and robotics companies
come and hopefully participate next year. Currently ~ 12 teams are participating in the race.
He also give a brief presentation on Mosaic Lowell www.mosaiclowell.org In short the idea is to make
the many cultural activities in the City easy to find through a friendly, easily searchable web site. Mosaic
Lowell is marketing the City for its many cultural activities, both to its citizens and the 4 million people
who live within a 50 mile radius of the City. There is a draft plan that will be available in a few weeks.
They are planning a street art event on Saturday September 10th
One comment was to use email to notify interested searchers of events they have selected or interest
areas and with plenty of time in advance of the event.
5.Guest Speaker – Aurora Erickson discussed some of the Lowell Senior Center’s offerings and handed
out their August Bulletin which lists the numerous activities at the Sr Cent. The intended audience is 60
years or older. Breakfast and lunch are served daily ($1 and $2.50 suggested donation). Daily menu is in
the booklet. The Sr Cent is interested in hearing new ideas for activities or events. There numerous
local trips at a bargain cost as well many senior services available and in multiple languages.
Early Primary Voting – The Senior Canter will be open for early voting starting on Saturday, August 27th
(8AM to 8PM) through Friday September 2
nd (8 AM – 12 PM)
Expect a post card in the mail explaining that some downtown residents will be voting (Primary Day,
September 6
th ) at the Rogers School.
6..General Information Councilor Jenness reported briefly on a number of motions has pending for the
August 25 City Council meeting. These include the crossing at Merrimack and Shattuck to improve
pedestrian safety; review earlier parking study; pilot deployment downtown of dog waste pick up bag
dispensers; construction update for LHS; an open street program for Merrimack or Market for a
weekend day (saw good response from this years Folk Festival); look at Broadway and Dutton
intersection after 2 building crash in less than 6 months.
Central St bridge work has restarted. Lord Overpass work to be completed in Fall of ’23. The new
stretch of Merrimack River Walk has not opened. Concern over loose and falling bricks from adjacent
Comment that the Bruce Freeman Trail should be connected to the Gallagher Terminal via the Concord
LRTA needs to do better on garage operation and transit service. Service should be improved when road
construction detours are eliminated.
No action yet on direct election of mayor.
Donations, in lieu of membership fees, were accepted by yours truly, as the treasurer,
7.Adjournment Jack moved adjournment at ~8:15
Next Meeting in person at LTC, September 26, 7 PM
By Stephen Greene, secretary pro tem

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