Agenda for License Commission on January 31, 2013, 06:30 PMDowntown related items including what looks like a new Mr. Jalapeno…You can get the full agenda at

1. Special one-day license: all the Winterfest related

2. Review of revised rules and regulations of the Lowell License Commission – questions that may be discussed are amendment to regulation(s); the hearing, public notice, notification to licensees.

3. Review of licensees that filed 2013 Renewal Applications in November 2012 but have not complied with Massachusetts laws that require certificate of inspection to be issued, and certificate of liquor liability insurance to be issued, in order that the annual liquor license be issued. The following license renewals are affected:

Lowell Sports Club, Inc., 490 Central St.

WKA Investments LLC, 201 Cabot St.

TR Enterprises, Inc., 135 Central St.

Brazilian Tropic, Inc., 26 Andover St.

Vannak Kann, 74 Middlesex St.

Communication from Vannak Kann re: 74 Middlesex St., received January 28, 2013

Communication from Michael Breda of JAMBRA Board, re: 74 Middlesex St., received January 28, 2013

4.BEKS, dba Brian’s Ivy Hall, 74 Merrimack St., Kevin Hayhurst, Manager, all alcoholic beverages Restaurant licensee, report of December 21, 2012 disturbance

BEKS, dba Brian’s Ivy Hall, 74 Merrimack St., Kevin Hayhurst, Manager, all alcoholic beverages Restaurant licensee, report of January 1, 2013 altercation not reported to Lowell Police Dept.

5. Application by Mariachi Foods, Inc., d/b/a El Potro Mexican Grill, Joseph M. Carreiro Jr., a corporate Director, for an all alcoholic beverages Restaurant license for premises at 124 Merrimack Street, unnumbered door south side of building; first floor-one room for restaurant, kitchen; a storage area in basement.

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