Jack Moynihan called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. Featured guests: Assistant City Manager Yovani
Baez-Rose and District City Councilor Wayne Jenness.
The minutes of the February meeting were approved on a unanimous vote, following a motion & second
from Stephen Greene and Judy Huber.
Treasurer Greene reported our current balance is $2,242.29 , which reflects $190 in recent deposits
against zero expenditures.
With the city’s computer systems down due to a cyber “event,” LPD Captain Matt Penrose adapted his
monthly report to an overview of police activity in the downtown district. He touched upon the ongoing
investigation into the grafitti/tagging situation in downtown and other parts of the city. He also reported
that with the warmer weather, the traffic disrupting bicyclists are being seen; he reiterated LPD policy of
restraint on pursuit for safety concerns. The Department does utilize surveillance to identify youthful
riders and engages with schools and parents to address concerns.
Captain Pemrose also reported that downtown bars are busier but that disruption and conflict have thus
far been minimal. He cited the Department’s proactive approach working with the business owners and
guests. Captain Pemrose also talked about the city’s effort and frustrations in dealing with loitering
issues. He finally reiterated that the overwhelming number of automobile break-ins are due to owners
leaving their vehicles unlocked. He provided an interesting description of how would be perpetrators
sweep through a street to find unlocked cars.
We received word that Ms Baez-Rose would be unable to join the meeting as scheduled for a discussion
about the status of the Hamilton Canal Innovation District.
Councilor Jenness updated the meeting on two items on the 4/25 City Council agenda: one to establish
sister city agreements with two cites in Cambodia; another, a proposed loitering ordinance. Mr. Jenness
reported that the city is ready to start installing new parking kiosks. He is actively supporting
amendments to the Chapter 90 funding formula along with an updated road maintenance plan. Another
initiative he is supporting is a petition to the Mass School Building Authority (MSBA) requesting formula
changes to support greener energy practices. Finally, he announced that the City has received funding
for the Complete Streets program. On a question about projected parking garage rate increases,
Councilor Jenness is hopeful that increases will be within the normal range.
Announcements: The Points of Light Celebration at Ecumenical Place is April 29, 6-10 PM. Volunteers
The Town and Country Music Festival, April 28-29
With no further business, the motion and second to adjourn by S. Greene and W. Jenness, was
unanimously approved at 8:27 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Casey,