LDNA Minutes 20240226

Our newly elected president, Laura Lamarre Anderson, started the meeting
at 7:00 PM. She introduced the treasurer, Stephen Greene, who took the
minutes. Bob Casey, the secretary, was away.

The January meeting minutes were approved.
The treasurer reported that there is $2,312.29 our account. This included a
previously reported $30 deposit and recent $70 deposit. There were no

The police report was given by Lieutenant Dawn Beauchesne, Shift
Supervisor. Lt. Beauchesne is part of the new organizational structure
announced at our January meeting by Captain Daniel Desmarais. Lt.
Beauchesne has been here in Lowell for 29 years and recently promoted to
Though February crime statistics were not available, Lt. Beauchesne reported
on both earlier and current issues. Previously reported problems with high
school students in the Victorian Park was followed up. A male from Market
Mills was selling alcohol to the students. On other issues, 2 assaults
occurred between people known to each other. The Hundai / Kia TickTok car
theft challenge has been attempted in town. The police have stepped up
patrols of the garages after concerns were raised about lax security.
The Lowell Police Department is still recovering from the earlier cyber attack.
Local crime mapping that we received in the past is in the process of being
fixed. Other neighborhood concerns were electric scooters on sidewalks. Lt.
Beauchesne reported that a City wide speed limit of 25 mph will start to be
rolled out in June.

Guest speaker, Julie Galonska, Lowell National Historical Park Superintendent
was introduced followed by Kevin Kavanagh, Division Chief, LNHP law
enforcement. Chief Kavanagh explained what his department oversees in
our neighborhood. Kevin talked about the National Park System, including
showing some beautiful slides. He discussed the various collaborative roles
the Lowell National Historic Park plays in the City. These include security and
public safety. Because there are Federal, State, Department of Conservation
and Recreation, City and private interests in the National Park area,
significant cooperative activity takes place. His department will work with the
Lowell Police Department or other City agencies as the need dictates. ​
Dealing with some homeless situations have required working with multiple
groups to come to a humane resolution of the incident.

General information. Downtown, the Town and City Festival is coming in
April. Winter Fest was great in it’s new Palmer, Middle Street, St Anne’s

Laura has created a colorful poster with a QR code for general meeting
notification. Stephen reported he is looking into hybrid meetings with the
objective to get more people involved in the neighborhood meetings. A
resident (condo trustee) asked about forming a downtown condo association
group. Ken Michienzi briefly reported that combined sewer overflow
notification reports to the Merrimack are available online, but each town has
its own confusing system. He has a system that reports for the river. His
contact information is Ken Michienzi, The MerrimacK Company,
Ken@merrimacKco.com, 508-633-3239.

Looking for ideas for investing our
voluntary dues in our neighborhood including Spring/Summer neighborhood
Spread the word about our meetings and invite your neighbors. All downtown
residents are welcome!

Stephen Greene, Secretary pro tem

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