Minutes from the January 2025 meeting

Lowell Downtown Neighborhood Association 

Minutes of the Meeting    February 24, 2025

President Laura Lamarre Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM at LTC.

The minutes of January 27, 2024 were moved and approved unanimously.

Treasurer Stephen Greene reported our bank balance at $2,282.29 which reflects a deposit of $130.00 and no debits.  Greene will take the minutes for this meeting. 

LPD Captain Daniel Desmarais provided the Police Report for January.  First, he introduced newly promoted Sergeant Brian McMannus who is on the early patrol.  The Captain began by reporting on the recent Snow Parking Ban during which about 179  cars were towed and about 200 tickets were issued.  He said that this was in addition to the regular work that the police perform.  If you are not on the city notification for Snow Parking Bans, you can get on the Code Red system which is available through the City Website.  Overall, crimes were down from December’s 23 to 19 in January.  There were 3 aggravated assaults, 3 burglaries and 6 car breaks, where about 85% of the car breaks were unlocked vehicles.  The Capt. reminded us to lock our vehicles and not leave any visible valuables.  The perpetrator walks down the street flicking door handles.  An open car only takes a minute to rummage through. Break ins in the garages are down.  If you see someone who looks suspicious in the garage, let the attendant know or call it in. There were 3 shopliftings with one charge.  The Dollar General store has seen its share of shoplifting. There were 4 vandalisms with one of them by an ex-girlfriend.  The Central Street fire had one seriously injured person and significant damage.  The cause of the fire has yet to be determined.  Homeless people were not involved.  The police do check that building entrances are secure but also need help from the public.

Q&A  On resident had observed that the full set of wheels had been stolen from a car next to hers in a city garage.  This was done by a criminal gang which the police are aware of.  They can steal 4 wheels in less time than you could change a flat. High school kids leaving school in the afternoon have had some close calls crossing the intersection with the new stop signs at French and John streets.  The police do outreach to the immigrant  community.  They recently had a well attended session at the Baptist church which was facilitated by translators.  The police emphasize that immigrants should not be afraid of the Police.  When asked about their role with ICE,  the police cooperate as they would with other agencies such as the FBI or ATF when crime is involved, but ICE’s role is dealing with immigration, not the local police.  There were no issues with Winterfest.

Katherine Moses, the Sustainability Director for the City of Lowell, provided new information about the city’s Community Choice Aggregation program including selecting a new electricity supplier.  A card was sent out with the 3 choices: standard and Green 5 which are both less that N Grid’s rate; and Green 100 which is a little higher than N Grid.  If you have been on the city’s Aggregation Program you were automatically switched to the new aggregate power supplier at the standard rate.  You can change your rate.  If you have a new electric service  account, you are likely on the N Grid rate.  Check the upper back portion of your electric bill – Supply Services.  If you are in the city program the supplier will be First Point Power. 

Katharine introduced Victor Vargas, Energy Advocate who can provide energy efficiency  and rate information for both residential and small businesses.  Victor can be reached at 978-674-1408 or vvargas@lowellma.gov .

During general discussions, Lowell joining the UN Frontrunner Program was mentioned.  Joining was initiated by the City Manager. Lowell is the first city in the US to be in this international program.  Toronto is also in the program. Details are few at present but are in process.  Katherine will be in charge of Lowell’s program and she will report to us in the future

Councilor Jenness was not available for Council updates.

After a few general comments, the meeting was adjourned about 7:50 PM

Next meeting is Monday, March 24th, 7 PM at LTC.

Stephen Greene, secretary pro tem

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